Robert Rydzewski stypendystą na Uniwersytecie Alberta
3 lipca 2018 | Karolina Dziubata
Nasz doktorant Robert Rydzewski został laureatem stypendium Polish Doctoral Research Fellowships w Instytucie Austrii i Europy Centralnej Wirth na Uniwersytecie Alberta w Edmonton, w Kanadzie.
Our PhD student was granted Polish Doctoral Research Fellowships at Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, located at University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
The year-long scholarship is granted for one PhD student from Poland. The winner will have chance to finish his doctoral dissertation in the company of colleagues from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic and Hungary.
Since 1998, Central European doctoral students have travelled to Edmonton for year-long research stays as part of the various fellowship programs sponsored by the Institute. Participants can take advantage of the resources of one of Canada’s largest research libraries and benefit from the intellectual community of one of the country’s leading research universities.