Jesus Didn’t Turn Anyone Away, Neither Do We: Churches Welcoming LGBTQ Forced Migrants – webinar CeBaM
2 października 2023 | Karolina Dziubata
Centre for Migration Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań invites you to this month’s webinar which will be given by Max Niedzwiecki titled “Jesus Didn’t Turn Anyone Away, Neither Do We: Churches Welcoming LGBTQ Forced Migrants”.
Date: 19th of October 2023, Thursday, 10.00 to 11.30 (CET), online (zoom).
Everyone is welcome and you can register here.
Bio:Max Niedzwiecki has worked with forced migrants since 1987. Currently, he is a Visiting Scholar at Clark University’s Integration and Belonging Hub, a consultant with Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Rainbow Initiative, and a committee member of The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe’s refugee program. Previously, he held senior positions in nongovernmental organizations focusing on forced migration, faith, LGBT human rights, education, and health. He received his Ph.D. in anthropology from Boston University, and lives in France.
Abstract:Religion is a double-edged sword for LGBTQ people: It fuels much of their persecution, while at the same time providing many with hope, and motivating others to help. This presentation will describe the dilemma facing LGBTQ+ people who flee in search of safety, with special attention to the role of religion in their challenges and supports. It will then focus on recent efforts among American Christians and their churches to welcome LGBTQ forced migrants, notably including asylum seekers and refugees.
Facebook page for the event.
The meeting will be led in English and will be recorded. By participating in this webinar hosted by the Centre for Migration Studies, you automatically agree to authorize recording of audio and visual content presented during the live event and consent to subsequent use of the recording in the public domain.
This webinar is a part of the CeBaM webinar series, where every month we invite you to a meeting with migration researchers from Poland and abroad.
Best regards,
Centre for Migration Studies
Adam Mickiewicz University