Shahram Khosravi – wykład otwarty online w ramach CREOLE Intensive Programme, 28.06.2021, 14:00-16:00
21 czerwca 2021 | Karolina Dziubata
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w otwartym wykładzie prof. Shahrama Khosravi’ego (Uniwersytet Sztokholmski), który wygłoszony zostanie online w dniu 28 czerwca (poniedziałek) o godzinie 14:00 w ramach CREOLE Intensive Programme, letniej szkoły CREOLE organizowanej w tym roku we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Wiedeńskim.
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Back to square one again
Alongside techniques of bordering that operate through immobilising and confinement, keeping people continuously on the move is also a mechanism of control society. Circulation and ensuring that things are always in movement is an efficient regime of management of population and space. People are sent back and forth between reception camps and removal camps, between asylum seeking and deportability, between countries, between legislations, between institutions and between periods of waiting. Using cases from the Middle East and Europe I will focus on this aspect of control over the flow of people and goods.
Shahram Khosravi is a former taxi driver and currently an accidental Professor of Anthropology at Stockholm University. Khosravi is the author of some academic books and some articles but he prefers to write stories. He has been an active writer in the international press. He just published an art book on Waiting and two years ago he started Critical Border Studies, a network for scholars, artists and activists to interact.