Scholarship for PhD or BA/MA studies at Stockholm University
27 września 2023 | Karolina Dziubata
Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) announces a scholarship for studies at Stockholm University (SU) in Stockholm, Sweden. The scholarship is preferably for PhD students, but students at bachelor/master level are also welcome to apply. The call is only for students currently studying at AMU.
The scholarship is financed by the Birgitta and Wawrzyniec Weclewicz fund, whose purpose is to promote collaboration between Adam Mickiewicz University and Stockholm University.
There are two scholarships of 50 000 SEK per scholar available for studies in 2024. In addition to the scholarship, costs for one travel from Stockholm to Poland per semester and scholar will be covered (5000 SEK). Stockholm University will provide housing advice of varying costs to scholars.
Application instructions:
- Make sure your application refers to studies within an existing field at Stockholm University https://www.su.se/english/
- The courses will be held in English.
- The stay at AMU counts 20 weeks during spring term or fall term 2024.
- Write your application in English and include a plan of study, a summary of your study qualifications and transcript of records from Stockholm University. Please indicate if you have a contact person at Stockholm University.
- The evaluation process is managed by AMU in consultation with Stockholm University. Precedence is given to PhD students, but students at the bachelor/master level are welcome to apply.
- Application deadline: 15 October 2023
- liczba stypendiów: 2
- dla kogo: doktoranci, ewentualnie studenci (pierwszeństwo mają doktoranci)
- kiedy: rok 2024 (semestr letni LUB semestr zimowy)
- sposób aplikowania: tylko kompletne dokumenty (wymienione w załączniku: Utlysning Poznan 2024ENG_AMU), emailem na marta.dajczak@amu.edu.pl
- termin aplikowania: 15 października 2023, do północy
Jeśli promotor kandydata współpracuje z naukowcem z Uniwersytetu w Sztokholmie, będzie to traktowane jako dodatkowy atut.