Workshop: Migrant Communities in Sensitive Situations & the Challenges of Research
19 lipca 2019 | Agata Stanisz
Zapraszamy nasze studentki i naszych studentów do udziału w warsztacie migracyjnym, który odbędzie się 1 września 2019 w godzinach około-południowych w Instytucie Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM. Warsztat będzie trwał 2 godziny (4 sesje po 30 minut).
Structure & Design
Conceived as an interdisciplinary and comparative learning experience, the Session I and II of this workshop offer an interactive and communicative module on the challenges of fieldwork and research among migrant communities with contested identities and existence cum livelihood packages. The workshop, which juxtaposes the techniques of Anthropology and Criminology with that of critical Media Studies, envisages a brainstorming component in its Session III and IV that strives to take into account the insights as well as lived ‘anthropological moments’ of the participants.
Thematic outline
- Comparing the data collection approaches among migrant communities across disciplines
- Challenges of ‘fieldwork’: Anecdotal examples of Rohingya Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits in India as well as North & East Africans in South Africa
Session plan
- Session 1: a 30-minute input on the Rohingya and Kashmiri Pandits
- Session 2: a 30-minute case study from South Africa on the North and East Africans
- Session 3: a 30-minute Q/A round with the participants
- Session 4: conclusions
Team Bios
This is a working group constituted by four professionally skilled researchers from various backgrounds of working with migrant communities in India and South Africa:
- Dr Bobby Luthra Sinha – Social Anthropologist, Multimedia Module Specialist & Senior Vice President-Research, OSIANAMA, Delhi, India
- Ms Binny Yadav – Journalist (Managing Editor at asiannewsmakers.com), Media Academic (New Delhi YMCA) & Documentary Film Maker, Delhi, India
- Prof. Nirmala Devi Gopal – Criminologist in the Program of Criminology & Forensic Studies, Durban, South Africa
- Ms Jennelle Abraham – Budding Lawyer & Researcher at Program of Criminology and Forensic Sciences, Durban, South Africa
Długi opis do ściągnięcia [TUTAJ]
Zapisy do 31 lipca 2019 r. na adres e-mailowy: stanisz@amu.edu.pl
Dokładna godzina rozpoczęcia warsztatów zostanie podana do połowy sierpnia.