17 stycznia 2019

Seminarium naukowe 21 stycznia

17 stycznia 2019 | Agata Stanisz

IEiAK zaprasza na seminarium naukowe 21 stycznia br. o godz. 10.00, na którym wykład pt. Migration and human personality wygłosi dr Zdeněk Uherek, (Institute of Sociological Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague). Seminarium odbędzie się w sali 2.19.


The lecture focuses on the self-presentation of Romani migrants and some other selected migratory groups. On the basis of empirical examples, I would like to show which attributes of their personalities migratory groups leave behind in their original homes, what they transfer abroad, and what they remake in a new environment. The lecture deals particularly with questions of physical bodies, property, knowledge, skills, statuses, memories, social and cultural capital, familial and relational networks, and a collective sense of belonging. Migration is understood here as a physical movement which also allows families to act on their statuses and social and cultural capital. Target countries are Canada, Great Britain, and the Czech Republic.