Seminarium naukowe 18.10.2022: From a Hegemony of Risk to Pedagogies of Uncertainty: An Anthropological Proposition
13 października 2022 | Karolina Dziubata
We invite you to Research Seminar of the Departament of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Room 2.4).
MS Teams https://tinyurl.com/pe5d2rch
October, 18
Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska, Hannah Wadle
From a Hegemony of Risk to Pedagogies of Uncertainty: An Anthropological Proposition
Writing from the Global North perspective, we propose to disentangle a hegemony of risk calculation which serves some inhabitants of our planet to safeguard themselves from the evils of contemporary crises, while rendering others vulnerable, blamed and stigmatized as risk objects and subjects. Anthropological critiques of Risk as in singular, and its cultural functions help us to uncover unequal relations between those who control risks and those who are controlled as risk-carriers, but also to highlight different manifestations of antihegemonic revolts. We walk the reader through our own childhood discoveries of risks and present collectives that undermine a hegemonic calculus of probability: the Lionfish relocating to the Atlantic Ocean to undermine local interspecies relations, local ancestral relations that stand against extractive industries, exacerbated existential threat to the risk-stigmatized fishermen and women in Gaza, and the young activists’ protests against governments and corporations that keep on colonizing our future with fossil fuel dependencies. To overcome the illusionary division between the Global North which can be shield from calculable risks and the Global South where risks are mainly calculated for the sake of keeping them in place, we propose some principles of pedagogies of uncertainty. We treat our proposition as an invitation to expand the narrow vision cast from the Global North that prevents us from acknowledging uncertainties that we have ourselves brought to destabilize the lives of different inhabitants of our planet, including ourselves and the future generations, and to find a connections and a common ground for a meaningful and constructive conversations between “us” and “them”.