3 grudnia 2024

Książka prof. UAM dr hab. Natalii Bloch nagrodzona

3 grudnia 2024 | Karolina Dziubata
Książka pod redakcją prof. UAM Natalii Bloch i prof. Kathleen M. Adams – Intersections of Tourism, Migration, and Exile (Routledge 2023) – otrzymała Nagrodę im. Edwarda Brunera (Ed Bruner Prize). Nagrodę przyznaje Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group Amerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia Antropologicznego (American Anthropological Association) za najlepszą książkę wydaną w latach 2022-2023.
W uzasadnieniu komisji podkreślano: “(…) the approach taken in the book is truly ground-breaking! The book breaks the categorical barriers erected between these three supposedly distinct fields of study. (…) It is food for thought and opens up new vistas for mobility studies. (…) It forces us to have a global view of mobilities – thus tourism – In the age of extensive mobility, forced, voluntary, or otherwise. Rather than “circumscribing ourselves within a single mobility silo,” the book leads the way to avoid far too often taken for granted dichotomies of economic and political refugee, immigration and emigration, home and exile, natives and foreigners/tourists, and so on. The argument allows us to overcome the most often than not artificially imposed boundaries, created by policy choices at the institutional levels (local, national, international) and reified by academic disciplinary practices”.
Wstęp do książki można pobrać w wolnym dostępie: Intersections of Tourism, Migration, and Exile | Natalia Bloch, Kathle.