Conference V4Net 1-2 April 2019 – call for papers
12 grudnia 2018 | Agata Stanisz
Social and Cultural Consequences of Voluntary and Forced Migration in Europe
V4Net – Visegrád Anthropologists’ Network Conference
April 1-2, 2019, Collegium Historicum, ul. Umultowska 89, Poznań, Poland
Call for Papers
Almost 30 years have elapsed since the collapse of socialism in Central and Eastern Europe. This is the time-span of one generation. One of the most conspicuous features of the socioeconomic transformations has been high rates of migration. The phenomenon, also known in the past, has become a common experience for large groups of people. As such, it demands anthropological scrutiny. This call for papers is an invitation to present current work that illuminates the impact of migration and mobility on the lives of millions of people in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. We are particularly interested in papers addressing:
• Causes, forms and patterns of migration from Central and Eastern Europe to the West and to Central Europe from other parts of the world
• Everyday experiences of “being a migrant”
• Transnational lives of mobile people and effects on kinship, the social lives of families, and local communities
• Perceptions and reactions to migration – from hospitality to lack of interest or hostility
• Impact of media representations (from liberal-cosmopolitan to conservativexenophobic)
• Political consequences of mobility for individuals and sending communities
Titles and abstracts (250 words) should be sent to Michal Buchowski – mbuch@amu.edu.pl – by 15th January 2019. The Conference Committee will make its selection of papers by January 31. The travel and accommodation costs of all presenters will be covered by the organizers (arrival day: 31st March; departure: 3rd April).
Information about V4Net can be found under the following address: (https://www.eth.mpg.de/4607479/news_2017_10_13_01)