dr Justyna Matkowska
adiunkt-stażysta podoktorski, Zakład Antropologii Społecznej
Peer-Reviewed Journals Articles
„Representations of Romani women in the contemporary Polish and Romani Literature.” Critical Romani Studies Journal: Roma LGBTI, Feminist Movement, and Scholarship. vol. 4 (1): 56-73. (2021) ISSN 2560-3019. (Link)
„Matka Natura w poezji romskiej” (Mother Nature in Romani poetry). Studia Romologica, vol. 13: 125-141. (2020) ISSN 1689-4758. (Link)
„Romowie górscy jako społeczność wielokulturowa karpackiego pogranicza” (The Roma as a multicultural community of the Carpathian borderland). Góry-Literatura-Kultura, vol. 11: 305-316. (2018). DOI: 10.19195/2084-4107.11.20. ISSN 2084-4107. (Link)
With Kwadrans, Lukasz: „Wsparcie instytucjonalne uczniów pochodzenia romskiego w kontekście podttrzymywania tożsamości etnicznej” (Institutional support for Roma students in the context of maintaining the ethnic identity). Edukacja międzykulturowa, vol. 2 (7): 155-164. (2017) DOI: 10.15804/em.2017.02.10. ISSN 2299-4106. (Link).
„Wizerunek kobiety romskiej w twórczości literackiej Karola Parno Gierlińskiego” (The image of a Romani woman in the literary works of Karol Parno Gierliński). Studia Romologica, vol. 10: 149-164. (2017) ISSN 1689-4758. (Link)
„The comparative cultural study of the Roma community and Bohemians. Prolegomena”, Culture and education, vol. 4 (118): 138-150, (2017) DOI: 10.15804/kie.2017.04.10. ISSN 1230-266X. (Link)
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
With Bodziany Marek: „Upamiętnienie martyrologii Romów i Sinti w Niemieckim Nazistowskim Obozie Pracy i Obozie Zagłady w Treblince”. In Treblinka ostrzega i przypomina! edited by Edward Kopówka, 43-56, Siedlce-Warsaw: Museum Treblinka Press 2022. ISBN 978-83-953645-8-7.
With Bodziany, Marek. „Digitalization of material culture resources and its impact on the participation of Poles in „cyberculture” during Covid-19 pandemic „. In Research and Innovation Forum 2021: Managing Continuity, Innovation, and Change in the Post-Covid World: Technology, Politics, and Society, edited by Anna Visvizi and Orlando Troisi, Kawther Saeedi, 207-218. Springer International Publishing 2021. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-84310-6, eBook ISBN 978-3-030-84311-3. (Link)
„Roma Resistance in occupied Poland”. In Re-thinking Roma Resistance throughout history: recounting stories of strength and bravery, edited by Jekatyerina Dunajeva and Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, 145-168. Berlin: European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, 2020. ISBN 978-3-9822573-0-3. (Link)
Alienation and „Othering” of Roma and Muslims in the nation-state financed by the National Science Center (Poland) – OPUS-19.
01/09/2021 – 30/04/2022: Fred and Maria Devinki Memorial Fellow, Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Project: Roma and Sinti Resistance in Auschwitz-Birkenau
01/02/2020 – 01/07/2020: Visiting research fellow: „Roma in European Societies”, Romani Studies Program, Central European University, Hungary, Project: „Images of Romani Women in Contemporary Polish and Romani Literary Texts”
20/02/2020 – 31/12/2020: Expert researcher: „Re-Thinking Roma Resistance” in the project, European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, Germany. Project was funded by Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft.