Seminaria naukowe IAiE UAM stanowią forum otwartej dyskusji akademickiej na temat najnowszych publikacji przygotowywanych przez pracowników i doktorantów Instytutu oraz realizowanych przez nich badań i projektów. W ramach seminariów odbywają się także wykłady gościnne będące okazją do wymiany poglądów z badaczami z kraju i zagranicy reprezentującymi różne ośrodki oraz dyscypliny naukowe, którym bliskie jest podejście antropologiczne, kładące nacisk na analizowanie zjawisk kulturowych w powiązaniu z towarzyszącymi im procesami i relacjami społecznymi.
Seminaria mają charakter otwarty, ich adresatami są wszyscy zainteresowani, w tym zwłaszcza pracownicy, doktoranci i studenci IAiE. Celem spotkań jest inspirowanie aktywnego życia naukowego, integracja środowiska oraz popularyzacja antropologii społeczno-kulturowej.
Seminaria odbywają się we wtorki w godzinach 09:30-11:00 STACJONARNIE w sali 2.122
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
08.10.2024, 09:30-11:00
Mariusz Filip
(Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM)
Przewrotne ontologie, splecione historyczności
Elzbieta M. Goździak, Larysa Sugay, Wiktoria Moritz-Leśniak, Katarzyna Byłów
(Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM)
Dobre początki, obiecująca przyszłość. Dzieci z doświadczeniem migracyjnym w polskich szkołach
Julia Laureau
(CU Louvain, Chaire Anthropologie de l’Europe Contemporaine)
The female political subject in Poland. An ethnography of pro and anti abortion struggles (2020-2023)
At the heart of Polish political polarization, the right to abortion is the site of ideological confrontations concerning both gender relations and the definition of democracy (in a liberal or nationalist sense). Based on an ethnography of pro- and anti-abortion struggles, and in a context of increasing mobilization of women in the socio-political field, this presentation examines the female political subject in Poland from the 2020 protests to the 2023 parliamentary elections. A focus on the activism of women of both „camps” enables an analysis of their leadership and agency in a male dominated system.
Julia Laureau is a PhD candidate in Anthropology and a FNRS fellow at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Specializing in contemporary Poland, she works on issues of gender and democracy, as well as nationalism. She holds M.A.s in political theory (Sciences Po Paris) and in anthropology (UCLouvain). Her dissertation questions the female political subject in Poland drawing on an ethnography of the struggles over abortion rights (2020-2023).
Carolin Leutloff-Grandits
(European University Viadrina)
Translocal Care Across Kosovo’s Borders. Reconfiguring Kinship Along Gender and Generational Lines
In today’s globalized world, where the foundations of home and social security are destabilized due to wars and neoliberal transformations, the villagers of Kosovo are linked with a common locality despite living across borders. By tracing long-distant family relations with a special focus on cross-border marriages, the book which will be presented looks at the reconfiguration of care relations, gender and generational roles among kin-members of Kosovo, who now live in different European states.
The book can be downloaded here.
Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, PD Dr. phil., is a social anthropologist and senior researcher at the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION at the European University Viadrina. She conducts research on borders and migration from an intertwined perspective, focussing on temporality and complexity, social security, family, gender and generation as well as entrepreneurship. She has done extensive fieldwork in the countries of the former Yugoslavia and Germany, looking at the entanglements of war-related migration, family and marriage migration and labour migration from a locational perspective. In her current research funded by the Leibniz-Society, she looks at migrants from Kosovo and Serbia who build up enterprises in their homelands, while from next year on, she will do an in-depth study on the former inner-German border region based on a grant from the German Research Foundation. Her most recent publications include the anthologies „Migrating Borders and Moving Times. Temporality and the Crossing of Borders in Europe”, Manchester University Press, 2017 (together with Madeleine Hurd and Hastings Donnan), and „Border Complexities and Logics of Dis/Order”, Nomos, 2024 , together with Christian Wille, Falk Bretschneider, Sylvie Grimm-Hamen and Hedwig Wagner, as well as the monograph „Translocal Care Across Kosovo’s Borders. Reconfiguring Kinship Along Gender and Generational Lines”, Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2023
Michał Buchowski
(Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM)
Orientalization of Muslims and Roma: a comparative overview
Björn Kröger
(Finnish Museum of Natural History)
The memory of a lake (Ecological memory and the layers of time)
Małgorzata Grupińska-Bis, Monika Majewska-Szymkowiak, Karol Francuzik, Adam Suwart
(Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury w Poznaniu)
Aleksandra Krzyżaniak
(Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM)
Prywatne goszczenie osób uchodźczych z Ukrainy w Żydowie
Maria Dębińska
(Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
Aleksandra Krupa-Ławrynowicz
(Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej, Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Agata Stanisz
(Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM)
Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska, Karolina Dziubata-Smykowska, Marek Jaskólski
(Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM, Centrum Badań nad Wyzwaniami Ekologicznymi i Energetycznymi UAM)