A post-doctoral position in the project ITEM – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility (ERA NET), deadline May 20th, 2021
21 kwietnia 2021 | Karolina Dziubata
A post-doctoral position in a project “ITEM – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility”
We currently are looking for candidates for a post-doctoralposition in an international project ITEM – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility, funded by ERA NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity.
Project description:
European cities’ attempts to accelerate the electric mobility (EM) transition are generating environmental benefits and enhancing economic viability. Unclear is how socially just these attempts and their outcomes are in terms of who benefits (distribution), whose needs are considered (recognition), and who gets to decide and how (participation).
The proposed research will advance inclusive EM transitions on the urban scale through a dual perspective on households and urban policy. It will examine inequalities in households’ EM-related needs, capabilities, decision-making, accessibility and everyday mobility. It will also analyse how and to what extent EM policies take the aforementioned distribution, procedure (participation) and recognition dimensions into account. It will finally co-produce understandings of how urban and transport planning goals regarding sustainability and accessibility can be strengthened through inclusive EM transition processes. In close collaboration with policymakers and mobility service providers, the project will consider shared and owned/leased electric cars, E-bikes and E-scooters, comparing transition processes in Oslo, Utrecht, Bristol and Poznan. Ultimately, the project aims to bring about a shift in how EM policies and services at the urban scale are developed, implemented and delivered, so that urban EM transition pathways are not only accelerated but also become as inclusive as possible.Project team:The project is carried out by Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań in consortium with the Institute of Transport Economics in Oslo, the University of Utrecht, the University of Oxford and Heksagon Research.
The team consists of leading researchers in the field of transportation and mobility research. Working in the project will provide the candidate with a good opportunity to develop her or his research and organizational skills, gain experience ininternational context, and develop high-impact academic publications. Post-doctoral researcher will cooperate closely with the PI at AMU, Dr. Aleksandra Lis, and the partner organization’ team in Poland, HeksagonResearch.
Main tasks of the post-doctoral researcher will involve:
- literature review
- co-designing analytical frameworks
- conducting stakeholder interviews
- qualitative and quantitative data analysis
- creating databases
- co-designing and organizing workshops and seminars for stakeholders
- writing academic papers
- managing social media communication
- writing press releases, newspaper articles and social media reports
- communication with stakeholder (i.e. public administration and e-mobility practitioners)
- participation in all project meetings
- presentation ofproject results during at least one conference
- co-authoring ofacademic publications with other members of the project team.
Required skills and education:
- strong (though not necessarily documented) interest in transportation and/or energy transitionor urban planning
- PhD degree in social sciences (sociology, political science, anthropology or geography) obtained within the last 7 years at any other university than Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
- documented experience incarrying out empirical research using both qualitative (individual and group interviews, document analysis) and quantitative methods
- advanced Polish and English language skillsin speech and in writing
- excellent organization and communication skills
- expertise or interest in text-as-data research methods or survey research
- dedication, ability to work in a team, ability to work independently
- strong interest in and ability to produce excellent academic research
Contract and salary:
AMU offers a full time contract for 31 months, starting approximately in June2021(the exact date to be negotiated between AMU’s PI and the successful candidate). The gross salary is 10 thousand PLN (ca. 2500 Euro).
While being employed at the ITEM project, the post-doctoral researcher is not allowed to receive any remuneration from other research grants of the National Science Center in Poland (NCN).
As the project is based in Poznań, the candidate will be required to work on University premises, unless agreed differently.
Application procedure:
Please fill in the application form by May 20th, 2021: https://tinyurl.com/item-amu-postdoc-ssl
Successful candidates will be invited for an on-line interview.