Post of lecturer/assistant professor job offer
14 kwietnia 2021 | Karolina Dziubata
for the post of lecturer/assistant professor (adiunkt) at the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology
- Reference number: konkurs_6_WAiK_1_2021
- Working hours: full time
- Legal basis of the employment: employment contract
- Estimated duration of the employment: 1 October 2021
I. Competition terms specified by the Selection Board:
entering the competition have to meet the requirements specified
in the Act on Higher Education from 20 June 2018 (Journal od Laws from 2018, heading 1668 of Article 113) and they
must be compliant with the following criteria:
- A PhD degree in the humanities, specifically in ethnology or cultural and/or social anthropology. Candidates with a PhD degree in cultural studies or sociology are also eligible, provided they have completed ethnological or anthropological studies at the M.A. level
- Experience in conducting ethnographic fieldwork
- Some teaching experience at the university level
- Scientific achievements documented by publications – proportional to the stage of research career
- Documented engagement in research community life, e.g. conference papers, international internship – proportional to the stage in research career
- Fluent knowledge of spoken and written Polish
- Very good knowledge of congressional languages, especially English
- Note: no geographical or thematic areas of interest are specified.
II. Documents required:
- The application of the candidate;
- Consent to the processing of one’s personal data: In accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (Journal of Laws of the EU L 119/1 of 4 May 2016) I agree to the processing of personal data other than those indicated in Article 221 of the Labour Code (name(s) and surname; parents’ names; date of birth; place of residence; address for correspondence; education; previous employment), included in my job offer for the purpose of current recruitment.
- personal data form for the candidate applying for a position (available on the UAM website);
- A motivated text wherein the reasons for applying, qualifications in relation to the position, and intentions and visions for the position are stated
- Curriculum Vitae containing also a list of publications
- documents confirming candidate’s education and academic degrees
- information on candidate’s scientific, didactic and organizational achievements
- 1 exemplary publication (not exceeding forty thousand signs, spaces included)
- A letter of recommendation form two scholars familiar with the research of the candidate
III. Proceedings
- Commission will review all candidates applications
- Commission will interview remotely (on-line) all candidates qualified
IV. Documents in electronic form (scans and PDF files) must be submitted at the Service Desk of the Faculty until 21 May 2021 and they should be marked by the appropriate reference number (konkurs_6_WAiK_1_2021) of the competition.
Address: joanna.nowaczynska@amu.edu.pl
Information clause for jobseekers
Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC – General Regulation on data protection (Official Journal of the European Union L 119/1 of 04.05.2016) I hereby inform you that.
- The Controller of your personal data is Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with its registered office at 1, Henryka Wieniawskiego Street, 61-712 Poznań.
- The controller of personal data has appointed a Data Protection Inspector to supervise the correctness of personal data processing, who can be contacted via e-mail address: iod@amu.edu.pl.
- The purpose of the processing of your personal data is to carry out the recruitment process for the indicated position.
- The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 and the Labour Code of 26 June 1974 (Journal of Laws of 1998, N21, item 94, as amended).
- Your personal data will be stored for a period of 6 months from the end of the recruitment process.
- Your personal data will not be made available to other entities, except for entities authorized by law. Access to your data will be granted to persons authorized by the Controller to process them within the scope of their professional duties.
- You have the right to access your data and, subject to the provisions of law, the right to rectify, delete, restrict the processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object to the processing, the right to withdraw consent at any time.
- You have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa.
- Provision of personal data is obligatory on the basis of legal regulations, in the remaining scope it is voluntary.
- With regard to your personal data, decisions will not be taken automatically, in accordance with Article 22 RODO.