
prof. dr hab. Michał Buchowski

Professor, Section of Social Anthropology

Room: 2.17, 2.12
Phone: 61 829 13 75

Office hours:

Monday 12:15-13:15
Tuesday 11:00-13:00


Prof. Michal Buchowski received his PhD in ethnology and habilitation in social anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Concurrently (since 1998) he holds a Chair for Comparative Central European Studies at European University Viadrina in Germany. Since 2008 he serves as a head of the Department. Former President of European Association of Social Anthropologists (2009-2010) and Chair of World Association of Social Anthropologists (2012-2014). He was, among others, Fulbright Foundation, Kosciuszko Foundation, Humboldt Foundation and Institute for Advanced Studies in Budapest Fellow. He was a Visiting Professor at Rutgers University, Columbia University, Warsaw University and National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan.

Research Interests:

Theory and history of anthropology, hierarchies of knowledge, world anthropologies Postsocialism: anthropology of postsocialism in Central Europe, neoliberal postsocialism, class theory of transformations, social exclusion Migration: migration to Poland, migration processes in the European perspective Multiculturalism, nationalism, xenophobia and islamophobia Anthropology of sport / soccer

Research Areas: Poland, Central Europe, Japan

Older books in English

Reluctant Capitalists: Class and Culture in a Local Community in Western Poland, Berlin: Centre Marc Bloch 1997;

The Rational Other, Poznań: Humaniora 1997; Rethinking Transformation: An Anthropological Perspective on Postsocialism, Poznań: Humaniora 2001.

Previous edited volumes in English

(with B. Chołuj) Die Konstruktion des Anderen in Mitteleuropa/The construction of the Other in Central Europe, Frankfurt (Oder): Collegium Polonicum 2001;

(with E. Conte and C. Nagengast), Poland Beyond Communism: “Transition” in Critical Perspective, Fribourg: University Press 2001.

Books and edited volumes (since 2012)

Czyściec. Antropologia neoliberalnego postsocjalizmu [Purgatory: anthropology of neoliberal postsocialism] Poznań: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu 2017 [link]

Schwell, N. Szogs, M. Z. Kowalska,M. Buchowski (eds.)People, passions – but what about politics? DOI 10. 1057/9781137516985

Cervinkova, M. Buchowski, Z. Uherek (eds.), Rethinking ethnography in Central Europe, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2015.

Buchowski, A. Bentkowski (eds.) Colloquia Anthropologica: issues in contemporary social anthropology, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje / Polski Instytut Antropologii 2014.

Buchowski, M. Z. Kowalska (eds.) Nie tylko piłka w grze. Antropologiczne interpretacje EURO 2012 [Not only ball in the game], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2014 [link].

Buchowski, J. Schmidt (eds.) Migracje a heterogeniczność kulturowa. Na podstawie badań antropologicznych w Poznaniu [Migration and cultural heterogeneity], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2012 [link].

Buchowski, J. Schmidt (eds.), Imigranci: między izolacją a integracją [Immigrants: between isolation and integration], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2012 [link].

Buchowski, V. R. Dominguez (eds.), Changing flows in anthropological knowledge, Special Section, “Focaal”, 2012, nr 63, pp. 3-65, Berghahn Journals [link].


A new tide of racism, xenophobia, and islamophobia in Europe: Polish anthropologists swim against the current, “American Anthropologist” vol. 119, 2017, issue 3, pp. 519-523. DOI 10.1111/aman.12915

Polish anthropologist against discrimination, “Anthropology News”, 9.06.2017, version online 26.12.2017

Antropologia kultury a antropologia kulturowa. Kilka refleksji na marginesie książki Grzegorza Godlewskiego [Anthropology of culture and cultural anthropology] „Filo-Sofija” 17: 2017, z. 1(36): 213-228 [pdf]

Moieties, lineages and clans in Polish anthropology before and after 1989, in: European anthropologies, ed. by A. Barrera-González, M. Heintz, A. Horolets, pp. 187-210, New York-Oxford: Berghahn 2017 [link]

Nauka jako pole (samo)kolonizacji. Przykład antropologii społeczno-kulturowej [Science as a field og self-colonisation], in: Debaty Artes Liberales t. X: Perspektywy postkolonializmu w Polsce, Polska w perspektywie postkolonialnej, ed. by J. Kieniewicz, pp. 21-37, Warszawa: Wydział „Artes Liberales” UW 2016 [pdf

Making anthropology matter in the heyday of islamophobia and the ‘refugee crisis’: the case of Poland, „Český lid: etnologický časopis“ vol. 103, 2016, no. 1, pp. 51-67 DOI 10.21104/CL.2016.1.03 

Buchowski, M., Małgorzata Z. Kowalska, A. Schwell, N.Szogs,Introduction: People, passions, and much more: the Anthropology of football, in: New ethnographies of football in Europe: people, passions, politics, (eds.) A. Schwell, N. Szogs, M. Z. Kowalska, M. Buchowski, pp. 1-17, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2016. DOI 10. 1057/9781137516985

Tolerancja po polsku. Etnologiczna rozprawa z mitem / Tolerance, Polish-style: an ethnological tussle with the myth, in: Uniwersyteckie Wykłady na Zamku: Uniwersalne wartości w uniwersyteckim dyskursie, (red.) A. Gulczyński, pp. 51-67, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM 2016 [link]

Mutual encounters, “Lud” t. 100, 2016, s. 47-60 [link].

Buchowski M., H. Cervinkova,Introduction. On rethinking ethnography in central Europe: toward cosmopolitan anthropologies in the “peripheries, w: Rethinking ethnography in Central Europe, ed. by H. Cervinkova, M.Buchowski, Z. Uherek, pp. 1-20, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2015.

Buchowski M., H. Cervinkova,Afterword, w: Rethinking ethnography in Central Europe, ed. by H. Cervinkova, M. Buchowski, Z. Uherek, pp. 241-245, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2015.

Non-hierarchical anthropologies, in: Forum: Rethinking Euro-anthropology: part two, “Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale” vol. 23, no. 4, 2015, pp. 499-501, DOI 10.1111/1469-8676.12269 

“Swoi” i “obcy” muzułmanie w Polsce: od ograniczonej tolerancji do nietolerancji {‘Our’ and ‘alien’ Muslims], in: W krainie metarefleksji. Księga poświęcona Profesorowi Czesławowi Robotyckiemu, ed. by J. Barański, M. Golonka-Czajkowska, A. Niedźwiedź, pp. 389-405, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2015 [link]

Buchowski, M. Z. Kowalska, Opis etnograficzny wydarzenia a interpretacja antropologiczna: protest przeciwko EURO 2012 w Poznaniu [Ethnographic description and anthropological interpretation], in: Nie tylko piłka w grze. Antropologiczne interpretacje EURO 2012 [Not only ball in the game], ed. by M. Buchowski, M.Z. Kowalska, pp. 11-36, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2014.

Skala migracji a uprawianie antropologii: przykład imigrantów w Poznaniu, in: Kultura, tożsamość i integracja europejska, ed. by D. Niedźwiedzki, pp. 241-254,Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS 2014 [link]

Twilight zone anthropologies: the case of Central Europe, “Cargo. Journal for Cultural/Social Anthropology” 2014, no. 1-2, pp. 7-18 [link].

Neoliberalizm w Europie Środkowej – magia, religia czy nauka?, „Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne” 2013, nr 4, s. 29-41 [pdf].

Koniec multikulturalizmu: Europa jako twierdza?, in: Ethnos et potentia. Interdyscyplinarność w polskiej etnologii, ed. by R. Vorbrich, A. Szymoszyn, ss. 187-203, Warszawa-Poznań: IAE PAN, IEiAK UAM 2013.

Profesor Jerzy Kmita a antropologia kulturowa, „Rocznik Antropologii Historii” R. 3: 2013, nr 1(4), s. 379-381 [pdf].

Anthropology in postsocialist Europe, in: A companion to the anthropology of Europe, ed. by U. Kockel, M. Nic Craith, J. Frykman, pp. 68-87, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2012 [link]

Buchowski M., A. Posern-Zieliński, H. Mamzer, A.Rozwadowski, Antropologia a archeologia, in: Przeszłość społeczna. Próba konceptualizacji, ed. by S. Tabaczyński, A. Marciniak, D. Cyngot, A. Zalewska, pp. 686-720, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 2012 [pdf].

Buchowski M., K. Chlewińska, Do Silesians exist and can Silesia be autonomous? Limits of ethno-political tolerance in Poland, San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute /Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies 2012 [pdf]. 

Europe as a fortress: the end of multiculturalism and the rise of ‘cultural racism’, w: Ethnic politics and non-military aspects of security, ed. by A.M. Kusnetsov, pp. 33-46, Valdivostok: Far Eastern University Press 2012. 

Das Gespenst des Orientalismus in Europa – Vom exotischen Anderen zum stigmatisierten Bruder, w: Kulturelle Übersetzungen, ed. by A. Keinz, K. Schönberger, V. Wolff, pp. 161-182, Berlin: Reimer Verlag GmbH 2012 [link].

Głos w dyskusji, „Biuletyn Forum Debaty Publicznej“ 2012, nr 11: Bogactwo kulturowe Polski – identyfikacja dziedzictwa niematerialnego, pp. 37-38, ed. By O. Dziekoński, Warszawa: Kancelaria Prezydenta RP [link].

Buchowski M., J. Schmidt, Imigracja a heterogeniczność kulturowa. Perspektywa antropologiczna, in: Migracje a heterogeniczność kulturowa. Na podstawie badań antropologicznych w Poznaniu, ed. by M. Buchowski, J. Schmidt, pp. 7-22, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2012 [link].

Intricate relations between Western anthropologists and Eastern ethnologists, “Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology” 2012, no. 63, pp. 20-30, DOI:

Jerzy Kmita dla antropologów, „Przegląd Kulturoznawczy” 2012, nr 4(14), pp. 409-412. Doi: 10.4467/20843860PK.12.035.0998 [pdf].

Buchowski M., K. Chlewińska, Poland, in: Addressing tolerance and diversity discourses in Europe. A comparative overview of 16 European countries, ed. by R. Zapata-Barrero, A. Triandafyllidou, pp. 345-369, Barcelona: CIDOB, GRITIM-UPF 2012 [link] [pdf].

Bloch, M. Buchowski M., A. Chwieduk, J. Schmidt, Wnioski końcowe [Conclusions], in: Migracje a heterogeniczność kulturowa. Na podstawie badań antropologicznych w Poznaniu [Migration and cultural heterogeneity], ed. by M. Buchowski, J. Schmidt, pp. 271-284, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2012.

Buchowski M., J. Schmidt, Wstęp [Introduction], in: Imigranci: między izolacją a integracją [Immigrnats: between isolation and integration], ed by. M. Buchowski, J. Schmidt, pp. 7-10, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje 2012

Othering and Racialisation of Roma and Muslims in a Nation State (National Science Center), Website 1, 2, 3

CULTURALBASE: Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities (2015-2017), Horizon 2020 (no. 649454), EU grant (stakeholder), Website.

Społeczno-kulturowa identyfikacja cudzoziemców [Socio-cultural characteristics of foreigners]  (2013-2016),  National Center for Research and Development (main researcher). Website.

Football Research in an Enlarged Europe: Identity dynamics, perception patterns and cultural change in Europe’s most prominent form of popular culture (FREE) (2012-2015), 7 Framework Project of the EU (główny badacz i koordynator krajowy). Website 1, 2

Spatialization and Racialization of Social Exclusion. The social and cultural formation of “Gypsy ghettoes” in Romania in a European context (SPAREX) (2012-2015), Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanţarea Învăţământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării şi Inovării. Website.

Tolerance, Diversity and Social Cohesion. Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe (ACEEPT Pluralism) (2010-2013), 7 Framework Project of the EU (main researcher, country’s coordinator). Website 1, 2

Promoting Work-related Immigration and Spreading Good Practices in the EU (REKRY-AMARE) (2010-2013), grant European Social Fund (ESF) (country’s coordinator). Website.

Negative and positive factors playing role in the process of integration of foreign citizens on labor market, in a system of medical care and in education. Anthropological case study in Poznań (European Project Aimed at Integration of Non-EU countries Citizens and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) (01-06.2010), European Social Fund for an Integration of Third Countries Citizens (EFI) (Principal Investigator – PI). Website.

Cudzoziemcy w Polsce. Heterogeniczność kulturowa ośrodków wielkomiejskich na przykładzie Poznania (2009-2012), grant MNiSW (PI). Website.

Anthropology of Europe: what is it and how should it be practiced? (2009), Visegrad Fund (conference grant) (PI). Website.

Post-Colony and Post-Socialism Context in Social Scientific Writing and Teaching (2003-2006), grant Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute, Budapest (resource faculty member). Website.

Kinship and Social Security (2004-2007), 6 Framework Program of the EU (country’s coordinator). Website.

International Networks and Migration (2004-2006), ‘Interreg’, EU project (co-PI with Werner Schiffauer)

Learning Capitalism: Practices and Discourses in Poland, (1995-1996), Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research w Nowym Jorku, co-PI with Carole Nagengast)

Propriété de la terre et devenirs de la paysannerie en Europe Centrale et Orientale (1994-1995), Centre Nationale de la Rechreche Scientifique w Paryżu (PI)

Visiting Professorships

Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, affiliated professor (01-06.1993, Spring Semester)
Institut für Europaische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, affiliated professor (04-09.1997)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA (09.2001- 07.2002)
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, Distinguished Visiting Professor (2003-2004)
University of Warsaw (02-06.2011, Spring Semester)
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japonia (11.2017-09.2017)


University of Cambridge, Cambridge Colleges Hospitality Scheme, Visiting Associate, Clare Hall (09-10.1985)
University of Cambridge, British Council, Visiting Fellow, Department of Social Anthropology (05-06.1987)
University of California – Riverside, Fulbright Senior Research Scholar (09.1990- 07.1991)
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change Postdoctoral Fellow (09-12.1992)
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kosciuszko Foundation Fellow (01-06.1993)
Goethe Institut, Berlin, Humboldt Stiftung German Language Course, 02-06.1996
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Europaische Ethnologie, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellow (07.1996-12.1997)
University of Cambridge, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Humboldt Stiftung European Scholarship (10.1997)
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology / Max Planck Institute für ethnologische forschung, Halle/Salle, Visiting Scholar (02-03.2006)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences – Kunming, Yunnan Province, academic exchange between Polish Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Science (07-08.2009)
Collegium Budapest – Institute for Advanced Studies; Senior Research Fellow (01-05.2010)
National Institutes for the Humanities – National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japonia, (12.2016-09.2017)

Editorial Boards Membership

The Journal of Language and Politics (John Benajmins) link

Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale  (Wiley-Blackwell) (2008-2014)

History and Anthropology (Tylor & Francis) link

Socialni Studi (Masaryková Univerzita, Brno) link

Cargo (Czech Association of Social Anthropologists, Praha) link

Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology (Belehrad, Serbia) link

Lud (Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcza – Komitet Nauk Etnologicznych PAN) link

Sprawy Narodowościowe (Instytut Slawistyki PAN) link

Professional Societies Membership

Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2016 – lifelong) link
Intangible Cultural Heritage NGO Forum (UNESCO affiliated) – Steering Committee member (2017-2019)

European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) – Member since 1991- ; Executive Committee member: 2007-2008; President 2009-2010 link
World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) (2008 – )  –Polish Ethnological Society delegate since 2008; Vice-Chair (2010-2012); Chair (2012-2014) link
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze / Polish Ethnological Society – President (2005 – ) link 1, link 2
Polish Sociological Society – member



  • Head of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (2008 – )
  • Director of the Center for Migration Studies at AMU (2009 – ) link
  • Chair of the Section for European Studies and Cultural Critique (1.10.2000-30.11.2016)

Beyond UAM:

  • Committee of Ethnological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences – member: 1998 – now link
  • Professor at Chair for Comparative Central European Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt / Oder (1998- now) link
    Schroubek Fonds, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Münich – Partner (2011-) link
    Antropologos sem Fronteiras / Anthropologists without Borders – member of the Conselho Consultívo / Advisory Council (2013- now) link
    President of the Polish Ethnological Society (2005- now, reelected 3 times) link
    European Research Council – 2010 – now: expert; 2015 and 2017 – SH5, Panel Chair link 1, link 2
    Central Commission for Scientific Degrees and Tittles, Section for Social Sciences and Humanities, member
  • Field: religious studies (2013-2016) link
    Field: ethnology (2017-2020) link
    Foundation for Polish Science – member of the Editorial Board (2015 – 2020) link
    National Science Center – expert and member of various panels
    Ministry of Culture and National Heritage – member of the Council for Intangible Cultural Heritage (2010 – ) link, link 2
    Ministry of Science and Higher Education – member of the Interdisciplinary Team for International Co-operation (2016-2018) link
  • Polish Institute of Anthropology, member of the Research Council (2007- ) link
    Deutsch-Polnisch Forschung Institut – member of the Advisory Board (2013- )
    Jerzy Kmita Foundation – Founder (2012 – ) link
    Foundation of the Center for Migration Studies – Funder (2015)

Other Projects

National Museum of Ethnology, An Anthropological Study of Migration in Kansai Region, Japan (2106-2017)


Opinion: Questioning the “xenophobic turn” in Central Europe, “Monitor Racism”, January-February 2018, issue 1. Florencja, Włochy. [link]

Our coveted Europe. 3.04.2017, FocaalBlog [link]

Anthropologies Futures (IUAES) [link]

WCAA Tenth Anniversary Symposium, IUAES/JASCA conference, Chiba, Japan [link 51’11’ – 1 05’ 17’’]

Plenary roundtable: World anthropologies today: experiences and prospects. IUAES2013 [link 54’-1.09’30’’]
