dr Łukasz Kaczmarek
Assistant Professor, Section of Theory and Methodology of Anthropology
Room: 2.31
Phone: 61 829 13 83
E-mail: lukaszk@amu.edu.pl
Office hours:
Wednesday, 09:00-10:30
Constructing of the identity: intercultural relations, communicating and interplaying of identity; negotiating the core values, traditions and memory; interactions between identity and space; space and landscape in constructing local communities.
Social facts and imaginaries: distribution and transformations of the ideas in ethnohistoric perspective; imaginaries in context of power relations and legitimization; konstucting of group self- and exo-representations.
Anthropology of politics/political anthropology: policies and politics in the context of multicultural societies (multiculturalism, cultural pluralism, plural societies) and identity politics; social mobility, stratification and exclusion; agency; ideas, imaginaries and axiologies of power and its performing; relations of domination and subalternity.
Anthropology of history- cultural history-ethnohistory: great narratives and their deconstruction in the postcolonial context.
Research Areas: Europe, South Pacific, Caribbean.
Aspiracje i stabilizacja. Status społeczny i dobrostan polskich migrantów w Dublinie [Aspirations and stabilisation. Social status and well-being in Polish migrants’ lives in Dublin], „Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej” 2017, z. 1(26), s. 47-68, DOI: 10.23734/zew.2017.47.68; www.zew.uni.wroc.pl/files/zew_26_kaczmarek.pdf
Mobility towards stability: network-mediated ethnography of successful Polish migrants in Dublin, “Ethnologia Polona” t. 37, 2016 [druk] 2017, s. 247-266. ISSN 0137-4079.
Między survey research a obserwacją uczestniczącą: rozdarcia metodologiczno-tożsamościowe w polskiej etnologii/antropologii kulturowej w XXI wieku [Between survey research and participant observation: Identity and methodological ruptures in Polish ethnology/cultural anthropology in the 21st century], „Etnografia. Praktyki. Teorie. Doświadczenia” 2016, nr 2, s. 123-136; http://www.etnografia.ug.edu.pl/?page_id=848
Mobilność społeczna i przestrzenna z perspektywy wielostanowiskowej: umobilnienie i mobilizacja antropologii [Social and spatial mobility in the multi-sited perspective: Rising mobility and mobilisation in anthropology], Zeszyty Naukowe UJ: „Prace Etnograficzne” t. 43, 2015, z. 3, s. 171-200. DOI: 10.4467/22999558.PE.15.014.4875; http://ejournals.eu/Prace-Etnograficzne/Tom-43-2015/43-3-2015 [17 I 2016].
Kategorie kultury publicznej służące konserwowaniu relacji władzy. Rasa i klasa w kontekście (post)kolonialnym [Categories of public culture instrumented in creating power relations: Race and class in (post)colonial context], „Pogranicze”. Studia Społeczne t. 23: Procesy transgraniczne, red. Katarzyna Niziołek, Andrzej Sadowski, 2014, s. 7-39. Białystok.
Schwer fassbare Materie: die Entstehung eines deutsch-polnischen Grenzgebiets [Elusive matter: the emergence of a German-Polish borderland], in: Deutsche und polnische Migrationserfahrungen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, red. Dorota Praszałowicz, Anna Sosna-Schubert, Seria: Migration-Ethnicity-Nation: Cracow Studies in Culture, Society and Politics t. 2, Frankfurt am Main [i in.]: Peter Lang Edition, 2014, s. 327-344, DOI 10.3726/978-3-653-03602-2, [with Paweł Ładykowski]
Teoria upudrowana. Wyobrażenia o etnografii a praktyki badawcze w antropologii polskiej [Powdered theory. Imaginaries on ethnography and research practices in Polish anthropology], „Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej” 2014, nr 2(21), s. 115-142. http://zew.info.pl/files/ZEW_writing_culture.jpg [2 III 2015].
When the city flows abroad: transnational imaginaries of resurging borderland, in: Middle grounds, ambiguous frontiers, and intercultural spaces, red. Aleksander Posern-Zieliński, Lech Mróz, Poznań: Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga, 2014. [with Paweł Ładykowski]
Antropologiczna rewizyta terenowa. Etnografia zagrożona systemowo [Anthropological fieldwork revisited. Ethnography and the systemic threat], „”Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej” 2013, nr 2(19), s. 17-41. http://zew.info.pl/?2013-2%2819%29,45
Ethnographic training in boderland: students fieldwork, serendipities, and tight limits of Polish university system, “Cargo”. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology t. 10, 2012 [druk] 2013, nr 1-2, s. 99-117. [with Paweł Ładykowski]
Kingston: kolonialne ślady w tożsamości przestrzennej [Kingston: The colonial traces in spatial identity], „Journal of Urban Ethnology” 2013, t. 11, s. 33-45. [with Izabella Parowicz]
Władza, jej legitymizacja a inkluzywno-ekskluzywne mechanizmy konstruowania tożsamości grupowej. Konstruowanie wyobrażeń państwa i narodu na Fidżi [Power, its legitimacy and inclusive and exclusive mechanisms of constructing group identity. Constructing the ideas of the state and the nation in Fiji], w: Instytucja „wczesnego państwa” w perspektywie wielości i różnorodności kultur, red. Jacek Banaszkiewicz, Michał Kara, Henryk Mamzer, Poznań: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, 2013, s. 105-133.
Wolny przepływ towarów i (u)sług. Multikulturalizm a wielokulturowość w wyobrażeniach o swojskości i przydatności społecznej oraz legitymizacji kulturowej w kontekście aksjologii ekonomicznej [Free movement of goods and servants. Multiculturalism and Multiculturality in imaginaries of social familiarity and utility, and cultural legitimization in the context of economical axiology], „Pogranicze”. Studia Społeczne, t. 20: Wielokulturowość w warunkach społeczeństwa polskiego – kapitał czy obciążenie?, red. Andrzej Sadowski, Katarzyna Niziołek, 2012, s. 107-131.
Fidżi. Dzieje i barwy wielokulturowości, Prace Etnologiczne t. 18, Poznań: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze 2008, ss. 217.
Poza luksusowym więzieniem. Społeczne oddziaływania turystyki na Jamajce [All along the luxury prison. Social influences of tourism in Jamaica], „Lud” t. 96, 2012, s. 249-272.
Poles of the Success – Between Emigration and Transnationality: New Aspect of the Polish Diaspora in Western Europe (2015-2018); Grant from National Research Centre NCN (Investigator)
Active Migrants in the Local Labour Market (AMIGA). Polish-German Cooperation Project (2013) Institution: The Centre for Migration Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and City of Munich Office for Labour and Economy; Funding: European Social Fund and Human Capital Programme (Manager-Assistant Coordinator).
Jamaica 60 years after research of Josef Obrebski. Comparative Study of the postcolonial society in the light of the Josef Obrebski’s field materials and contemporary anthropological research (2009-2012) Institution: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences; Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education (transferred to National Research Centre NCN); Role in the project: Principal Investigator.
Transborder Suburbanisation of Szczecin and Renaissance of Polish-German Cultural Borderland (2009-2012), Institution: The Chair of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at The University of Szczecin; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Polish Academy of Sciences; Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan; Department of Human Geography, University of Tuebingen; Funding: The University of Szczecin, Polish-German Youth Cooperation Fund (Co-organiser, chief investigator).
Polish Settlements in Europe. Anthropological Visualizations of Cultural Phenomena – Enclaves of Polish Culture in the Region of Bukovina in Romania (2010-2012); Funding: Erasmus LLP, project number LLP ERA_IP_16/2009 (lecturer, trainer, research group coordinator) .
German Cultural Space in the Polish Eyes. Polish Expatriates, Tourists and Migrants in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (2010); Funding: Brandenburg Ministry of Science Programme for Internationalization of Universities Research (Postdoctoral Fellow).
Forming and Functioning of the Plural Society in Fiji (2003-2006); Funding: Polish Committee For Scientific Research (Chief Investigator).
EDITC: The Network of Centres for Research in the Context of the European Doctoral Program on Identity, Territory and Conflicts (2005); Funding: European Commision, 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Research Fellow).