prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Weronika Brzezińska, fot. Łukasz Gdak

prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Weronika Brzezińska

Associate Professor, Section of Ethnology

Room: 2.29
Phone: 61 829 13 81

Office hours:

Tuesday 12:30-14:00
Thursday 14:00-15:00


Anna Weronika Brzezińska works in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her research interests focus on cultural heritage, its social perception and protection as well as on increasing social and cultural participation of local communities. In 2008-2011 she conducted field research in the region of Żuławy, documenting various aspects of taming of the cultural landscape in a situation of broken cultural transmission. She is a memeber of the Polish Ethnological Society, Wielkopolska Cultural Society, and the Oskar Kolberg Institute in Poznań. She is a member of editorial boards of the following journals: Przegląd Wielkopolski and Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne. She collaborates with the Regional Culture Observatory. Additionally, she is an expert of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Programs: “Folk Culture” and “Culture Observatory”) as well as the Municipal Council of Poznań (“Culture, art, protection of cultural and national heritage”). She is a member of the Council for Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and of the policy council of the Wielkopolska Society of folk artists.

In 2002 she graduated from the Małopolska Folk University in Wzdów. She is an instructor of handicraft and has completed courses in weaving, wickerwork, lacemaking and embroidery. She is the editor-in-chief of the Atlas of Polish Folk Costumes. Since 2013 she has been a primary investigator in a documentation project financed by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities. In 2012 she completed a post graduate program in Marketing of Culture at the Institute of International Relations at Warsaw University run in collaboration with the National Centre for Culture in Warsaw.

She is the author of numerous articles and books about regional and cultural education and the social functioning of cultural heritage.

Research Areas: Poland

2017, Brzezińska Anna W., Fabiszak Małgorzata. Individual variation in gestural markers of uncertainty, “Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies” t. 4: Special issue: Gesture and Speech in Interaction,  2017, z. 1-2, s. 36-42, DOI 10.14746/

2016, Brzezińska Anna W., Fabiszak Małgorzata. Żydzi i Niemcy w Poznaniu – (nie)pamięć w krajobrazie miejskim. Analiza korpusu prasowego i wywiadów indywidualnych [Jews and Germans in Poznań – (Non)Memory in the Urban Landscape. An Analysis of a Newspaper Corpus and Focus Groups Interviews]. Studia Socjologiczne (2): 217-241. ISSN: 0039-3371

2015, Brzezińska, Anna W., Historical and social considerations of cultural institutions in Poland in relation to proposal for intangible cultural heritage safeguarding system in Poland, “The IOV Journal of Intangible Cultural Heritage” 2015, pp. 50-62, bibl. ed. M. Santova. Publisher: IOV World. ISSN 2384-4892

2015, Brzezińska Anna W., Arkadiusz Jełowicki, and Wojciech Mielewczyk, Założenia, metodyka cele, [The Atlas of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Rural Arreas in Wielkopolska], Seria: Atlas niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego wsi wielkopolskiej t. 1, Szreniawa: Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego w Szreniawie, 2015, pp. 88. ISBN 978-83-64119-45-3, Vol. 1: ISBN 978-83-64119-46-0.

2014, Brzezińska, Anna W . Made in ‘Polish village’ – modern ethno-design vs. traditional culture of Polish countryside. In: Art in contemporary cultural systems. Central and Eastern Europe, W. Kuligowski and A. Pomieciński, eds. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, pp. 49-62.

2014, Brzezińska, Anna W. and Małgorzata Wosińska. Oddolne zarządzanie regionalną kulturą muzyczną, [Bottom-up management of regional music culture] In: Raport o stanie tradycyjnej kultury muzycznej, Weronika Grozdew-Kołacińska, ed. Warszawa: Instytut Muzyki i Tańca, pp. 95-106. ISBN 978-83-939305-6-2.

2014, Brzezińska, Anna W. Różne światy kultury ludowej – perspektywa teoretyczna a działania praktyczne [Different worlds of folk culture – theoretical perspective and practical actions]. In: Kultura ludowa. Teorie-praktyki-polityki, Barbara Fatyga and Ryszard Michalski, eds. Warszawa: Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych UW, pp. 133-154. ISBN 978-83-61493-68-6.

2013, Brzezińska, Anna W.Muzeum jako przedmiot i podmiot działań edukacyjnych [Museum as an object and a subject of educational actions]. In: Edukacja muzealna. Konteksty teoretyczne i praktyczne, Urszula Wróblewska and Karolina Radłowska, eds. Białystok: Muzeum Podlaskie w Białymstoku, 2013, pp. 41-60. ISBN 978-83-87026-24-0.

2013, Brzezińska, Anna W. Reifikacja dziedzictwa kulturowego w świetle Konwencji UNESCO z 2003 roku [Reification of cultural heritage in the light of the 2003 UNESCO Convention]. Nauka (1): 109-128. ISSN 1231-8515

2013, Brzezińska, Anna W. Strój ludowy – od biografii przedmiotu do tożsamości podmiotu [Traditional folk costume – from the biography of an object to the identity of a subject]. In: Stroje ludowe jako fenomen kulturowy, Anna W. Brzezińska and Mariola Tymochowicz, eds. PTL. Atlas Polskich Strojów Ludowych: Zeszyt Specjalny, Wrocław: PTL, pp. 15-24. ISBN 978-83-87266-64-6

2013, Brzezińska, Anna W. Walka o kosz. Miasta i region wobec środowisk rzemieślniczych [Fight for a basket. Towns and regions vs. crafts communities]. Czas Kultury 29: 4(175): 40-47. ISSN 0867-2148.

2013, Brzezińska, Anna W. Wyznaczniki współczesnej kultury regionalnej Żuław [Determinants of modern regional culture of Żuławy]. In: Funkcjonalny obszar Delty Wisły w terytorializacji Polski, Tomasz Parteka and Anna Golędzinowska, eds. PAN. Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju, vol. CXLVI, pp. 173-188. ISBN 978-83-89693-49-5, ISSN 0079-3507

Memory and identity in an urban landscape: Poznan as a case study (2013-2018) Website.

Józef Burszta Digital Achive – digitalization and sharing of archival materials (since 2014). Website.

Exhibition: 100 photographs on 100th birthday of prof. Józef Burszta (2014). Website.

Polish Traditional Folk Costumes Atlas: continuation of publishing works, conducting field research and source queries and digitization of source materials as well as making them accessible via Internet (2013-2016). Website.

The Atlas of Greater Poland village intangible cultural heritage (2012-2015). Website.