dra Zofia Boni

dra Zofia Boni

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Anthropology

Room: 2.35
Phone: 61 829 13 87
E-mail: zofia.boni@amu.edu.pl

Office hours:

Please, make an appointment by email.


I specialise in food anthropology and anthropology of childhood. I am a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the SOAS Food Studies Centre and a member of the Interdisciplinary Team on Childhood Research at the University of Warsaw. My PhD was focused on the negotiations regarding feeding children in Warsaw. I studied different social actors, namely families, primary schools, other state institutions, food industry, non-governmental organisations and media. The thesis discussed diverse moral perspectives on food, discourses and narratives about food and children, multiple experiences and practices related to feeding and eating embedded in the context of post-socialist transformation, shifting notions of parenthood and childhood, and the changing politics of food and food education in Poland. My other interests include research methodologies (especially when working with children), critical nutrition studies and post-socialist studies. Currently, I am starting my adventure with medical anthropology with my new research project on the social dynamics of childhood obesity in Poland.

2024 Sophie Elixhauser, Zofia Boni, Nataša Gregorič Bon, Urša Kanjir, Alexandra Meyer, Frank Muttenzer, Mareike Pampus, Zdenka Sokolíčková, “Interdisciplinary, but how? Anthropological Perspectives from Collaborative Research on Climate and Environmental Change”, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 151, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2023.103586.
2023 Feeding Anxieties. The Politics of Children’s Food in Poland. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books.
2023 Boni, Zofia, Bieńkowska, Zosia, Chwałczyk, Franciszek, Jancewicz, Barbara, Marginean, Iulia  & Paloma Yáñez Serrano “What is a heat(wave)? An interdisciplinary perspective”. Climatic Change 176, 129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-023-03592-3
2023 Boni, Zofia i Marta Rakoczy (red.) Cywilizowanie dzieci? Społeczno-kulturowe badania dzieciństwa w perspektywie teorii Norberta Eliasa. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa.
2023 ’Jak będzie szczupła, to będzie miała łatwiej w życiu’. Uwikłanie procesów cywilizacji, medykalizacji i estetyzacji w kontekście dziecięcej otyłości” [w:] Cywilizowanie dzieci? Społeczno-kulturowe badania dzieciństwa w perspektywie teorii Norberta Eliasa. Red. Zofia Boni i Marta Rakoczy. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa. 270-292.
2022 „The ‘Sweet Bun Law’ and the Politics of School Food in Poland” [w:] School Food, Equity and Social Justice. Critical perspectives. red. Dorte Ruge, Irene Torres, Darren Powell. Londyn: Routledge. 64 – 77.

2018   „Negocjowanie ‘zdrowego jedzenia’ w warszawskich rodzinach” [Negotiating ‘healthy food’ in families in Warsaw” [in:] Dzieci i zdrowie. Wstęp do childhood studies. [Children and Health: Introduction to Childhood Studies] Ed. Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz i Maria Reimann. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa.

2018   “‘My mom feeds me, but really, I eat whatever I want’: Relational Approach to Feeding and Eating” [in:] Feeding Children Inside and Outside the Home: Critical Perspectives. Ed. Vicki Harman, Benedetta Cappellini, Charlotte Fairclough. London: Routledge. 119 – 133.

2017    “It’s Safe: Food as a Way of Expression for Children in Warsaw”. Children’s Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2017.1319045.

2016   “Reflections on Food in Food Research”. Anthropologies. Issue on Food. Savage Minds. Available: http://savageminds.org/2016/08/07/anthropologies-22-reflections-food-research/.

2015   “Negotiating Children’s Food Culture in Post-socialist Poland”. Anthropology of Food. Special Issue on Children’s Food Heritage. Available: https://aof.revues.org/7782.

2014   “Contested Interactions: School Shops, Children and Food in Warsaw”. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. 21 (3): 309 – 325. Available: http://www.ijsaf.org/archive/21/3/boni.pdf.

2012   “Czekając na męża z obiadem” [Dinner at the Table: Waiting for a Husband to Come Back Home]. Op.Cit. 43: 100 – 103.

“Eating a Doughnut as a Public Problem: Ethnographic Research on Childhood Obesity in Poland”
Funding: National Science Centre in Poland
Time of realisation: 2016 – 2019

“Social and Cultural Aspects of Feeding Children in Warsaw: Discourses, Practices and Negotiations”
Funding: National Science Centre in Poland
Time of realisation: 2013 – 2015

“Growing Resilience: Food self-provisioning and exchange in Poland”
Funding: Open Space University
Time of realisation: 2011

Service and membership

Post-doctoral Research Associate, SOAS Food Studies Centre, University of London

Member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS).

Co-organiser and co-convener of EASA Anthropology of Food Network (http://www.easaonline.org/networks/food/index.shtml).

Reviewer for the Graduate Journal of Food Studies (Harvard University), Food Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies.

