prof. UAM dra hab. Natalia Bloch
Assistant Professor, Section of Social Anthropology
Room: 2.32
Phone: 61 829 13 84
E-mail: nbloch@amu.edu.pl
Office hours:
Wednesday, 10:45-12:15
Dr Natalia Bloch specialises in the anthropology of spatial mobility, including exile, migration, and tourism (and the way they intersect), particularly in the postcolonial context. She has conducted research in Tibetan refugee settlements in India (a PhD project), among workers and small businessmen in the informal tourism sector in India (a post-doc project), as well as among immigrants to Poland. Currently she is working on the project dedicated to the communities embedded in mobility in India. She teaches courses in postcolonial theory, anthropology of tourism, anthropology of migration and refugee studies.
Topics: refugee and migration studies, anthropology of tourism, tourism encounters and host-guest relations in a postcolonial context, power relations in tourism as well as tourism as empowerment, mobility regimes, nationalism and diasporas, second generation of migrants and refugees, migrants in the informal tourism sector, integration and separation as migrants’ and refugees’ adaptation strategies, multiculturalism, cultural heritage and colonial legacy, postcolonial theory, Polish migration memory and the perception of migrants, mobilizing anthropology and methodological challenges in researching mobility (mobile ethnography, anthropological engagement, overcoming methodological nationalism)
Areas: India, Nepal, Poland
Barbarians in India. Tourism as Moral Contamination, “Annals of Tourism Research” 2017, vol. 62, pp. 64-77. doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2016.12.001
Taxonomic Panic and the Art of “Making Do” at a Heritage Site. The Case of Hampi UNESCO Site, India, “Anthropological Notebooks” 2017, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 19-43. [pdf]
Beyond Integration. Tibetan Diaspora’s Separation Strategy in Multicultural India, [in:] The World of Encounters. The Role of Migration and Ethnicity in the Contemporary World. Ed. A. Posern-Zieliński, Poznań: Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga, 2017, pp. 75-96. [pdf]
Evicting Heritage. Spatial Cleansing and Cultural Legacy at the Hampi UNESCO Site in India, “Critical Asian Studies” 2016, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 556-578. doi.org/10.1080/14672715.2016.1224129
Overheating with Authenticity. Between Familiarity and Otherness in Multisensory Experiencing of India by Tramping Tourists, “Déjà Lu” 2016, vol. 4. [pdf]
Constructing Borders within Diaspora. „Born Refugees”, Newcomers and Bargaining Tibetan Identity, [in:] Middle Grounds, Ambiguous Frontiers and Intercultural Spaces. Eds. A. Posern-Zieliński, L. Mróz, Poznań: Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga, 2014, pp. 135-154. [pdf]
Between Vishnu and Mao Zedong. The Maoist Movement in Multi-ethnic Nepal, “Ethnologia Polona” 2010-2011, vol. 31-32, pp. 169-189.
Obóz uchodźców jako atrakcja turystyczna. Kto i po co od(z)wiedza diasporę tybetańską? [Refugee Camp as Tourist Attraction: Who Re(dis)covers the Tibetan Diaspora, and Why?] „Etnografia Polska”, 2011, vol. 55, no. 1-2, pp. 51-68. [pdf]
Czy jakożerca może zostać wegetarianinem? Globalny dyskurs praw zwierząt jako „tradycja wynaleziona” w diasporze tybetańskiej [Can a Yak-Eater Turn Vegetarian? The Global Animal Rights Discourse as “Invented Tradition” in the Tibetan Diaspora], „Lud” 2010, vol. 94, pp. 121-141. [pdf]
The Young Tibetan Exile Today: A Democrat, Environmentalist, Vegetarian? Globalization and Negotiating Identity in the Situation of Displacement, [in:] Exploring Home, Neighboring and Distant Cultures. Eds. L. Mróz, A. Posern-Zieliński, Warsaw: DiG, 2008, s. 239-258. [link]
Books [in Polish]
Urodzeni uchodźcy. Tożsamość pokolenia młodych Tybetańczyków w Indiach [Born Refugees: The Identity of the Young Generation of Tibetans in India], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2011, pp. 672. [link]
Wszyscy jesteśmy migrantami. (Od)zyskiwanie pamięci migracyjnej) [We Are All Migrants. (Re)covering of the Memory of Migration]. Ed. N. Bloch, Poznań: Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, 2016, pp. 346. [pdf].
Nie dość użyteczni. Zmagania imigrantów na lokalnym rynku pracy [Not Useful Enough. The Struggle of Immigrants in the Local Labour Market]. Eds. N. Bloch, I. Main, K. Sydow, Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, 2015, pp. 189. [pdf]
Od gości do sąsiadów. Integracja cudzoziemców spoza Unii Europejskiej w Poznaniu w edukacji, na rynku pracy i w opiece zdrowotnej [From Guests to Neighbours: The Integration of Migrants from Non-European Union Countries in Poznań City: Education, Labour Market, and Health Care]. Eds. N. Bloch, E. M. Goździak, Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, 2010, pp. 262. [pdf]
Communities Embedded in Mobility: Refugees, Migrants, and Tourists in India. Towards a Non-Sedentarist Anthropology (2016-2019), a post-doc fellowship of the Polish National Science Centre (manager and principal investigator). [link]
We Are All Migrants. Letters of Polish Immigrants from America in the Late 19th Century (2016-2018), a photo exhibition & an education and research project of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (curator, principal investigator). [link] [award]
Power Relations and Strategies of Authenticity in Tourism. A Case Study of India through a Postcolonial Perspective (2012-2016), a research grant of the Polish National Science Centre (manager and principal investigator).
Active Migrants in the Local Labour Market (AMIGA). Polish-German Cooperation Project (2013-2015), an applied grant of the European Social Fund (supervisor of the researchers/migrants’ assistants). [link] [Migrant Info Point]
Polish Settlements in Europe. Anthropological Visualizations of Cultural Phenomena – Enclaves of Polish Culture in the Region of Bukovina in Romania and in the Czech Republic (2010-2012), Erasmus Intensive Programme summer schools (teacher).
Factors Assisting and Restricting the Integration of Third Country Nationals into the Labour Market, Health Service and Education: An Anthropological Case Study of the City of Poznań (2010), a research grant of the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (principal investigator). [link]
Foreigners in Poland: The Heterogeneity of Large Urban Centres. A Case Study of Poznań (2009-2012), a research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (principal investigator). [link]
Regional National-Religious Movements in an Increasingly Globalized Asia. Contemporary Pilgrimages to Mount Kailash in the Indian-Chinese-Nepalese Borderland (2007-2010), a research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (researcher).
Culture and Politics. A Case Study of the Young Generation of Tibetan Exiles in India (2007-2009), a research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (manager and principal investigator). [link]