
dr Hannah Wadle

Assistant Professor, Section of Social Anthropology

Room: 2.31
Phone: 61 829 13 83
E-mail: hanwad@amu.edu.pl

Office hours:

Tuesday 13:00-14:15
Wednesday 11:00-12:30


I earned my PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester in 2014 with a thesis on tourism encounters, identities and moral communities in the Masurian Lake District, Northeast Poland (Title: ‘The Moral work of Tourismship. Ethnographic Tales of Late Post-Socialism from the Masurian Lake District). I am also a trained Historian.

Publications from my doctoral research concern among others how rural hosts in Masuria deal with growing inequality in domestic tourism and how Western tourists imagine the rural “East”. I discuss local interplays between social and cultural fictions of self and other.

Another aspect of my research are socialist and post-socialist histories of manor houses in former East Prussia: I explore paradigms of (re-)construction, reflect on architectural imaginaries and the social performance of castles, dwell on questions around regimes of ownership and the politics of development. My work on manor houses in late post-socialism contributes to the anthropology of architecture and imagination.

I have further been engaging with sailing cultures and the shifting paradigms of sailing education and “the sailor” in Poland, especially in the Masurian Lake District. My interest with this concerns inter- and intra-generational moral debates in times of commercialization and individualization. I am also looking at cultures of sociality, at questions of elitism, transgression, democracy and citizenship.

In our edited volume “Eden für jeden. Sehnsuchtsorte in Mittel-und Osteuropa von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart”, Historian dr. Bianca Hoenig and I introduce the notion of Sehnsuchtsorte/ Places of Longing. Drawing on our research about tourism mobilities and historical ruptures in Central and Eastern Europe, we propose Sehnsuchtsorte as a new, productive thinking tool for unpacking the complex emotional and geo-political relations between people and places. The book argues for the subversive potential of tourism Sehnsucht, for its capacity to host alternative histories and visions of the future. Since working on this publication, I have become interested in longing and places of longing also in a broader anthropological context, an area that I am currently furthering.

I have published short introductory pieces about virtual reality, sketching and comics in anthropology, and collaborative ethnography.

My work as anthropologist includes creative practice, cultural activism, journalism, writing facilitation and policy advice. I am the initiator and current director of the palace festival STN:ORT and carry out applied projects via my initiative FairerTales.

I have carried out field research in the Masurian Lake District and in Manchester.

Articles and Book Chapters

(Forthcoming 2019) Sailing in Transformation – Ethno-graphic Dialogue (with Jerzy Tyszko). Anthropological Notebooks: Special Issue „Dwelling-on-water“, ed. by Benjamin Bowles, Maarja Kaaristo, and Natasa Rogelja.

(Forthcoming 2019) Die alte „Zęza“: Vom masurischen Mekka für Segler zur raubeinigen Ressource für Tourismuskritik. In: Bianca Hoenig/ Hannah Wadle (ed.): Eden für jeden? Touristische Sehnsuchtsorte in Mittel- und Osteuropa von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

(Forthcoming 2019, with Bianca Hoenig) Einleitung: Über Molwanien nach Eden. Sehnsuchtsorte im östlichen Europa“. In: Bianca Hoenig/ Hannah Wadle (ed.): Eden für jeden? Touristische Sehnsuchtsorte in Mittel- und Osteuropa vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

(Forthcoming 2019) Pałac-in-progress. Re-imagining Landed Estates in Post-East-Prussia, Post-Socialist Tourism Landscapes of Northeast Poland. In Maria Gravari-Barbas/ Nelson Graburn/ François Staszak (ed.): Tourism Fictions, Simulacra and Virtualities. Spatialities of tourism in an era of complexity, London: Routledge.

(With P. Schabe, 2017) Schloss Steinort (Sztynort) – Geschichte und Erhaltung. In: Guido Hinterkeuser/ Klaus-Henning von Krosigk/ Peter Schabe (ed.): Kulturerbe verpflichtet. Zehn Jahre Deutsch-Polnische Stiftung Kulturpflege und Denkmalschutz (2007-207), Berlin: Lukas Verlag.

(2016) Encountering Tourism in the Masurian Lake District: Locating the Moral Self in the New Rural Poland. In: Journal for Tourism and Cultural Change, Special Issue: “Tourism in Postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe”, ed. by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz/ Nelson Graburn.

(2016) Towards an Anthropology of Virtual and Augmented Realities. Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale 24(3), 376-378. As part of: Re-Thinking Anthropology: Part Three. Early Career Scholars Forum, (pp. 353-79). Ed. by: Francisco Martínez, with contributions by Mariya Ivancheva, Valerio Simoni, Martin Demant Frederiksen, Livia Jiménez, Laura Hirvi, Kacper Pobłocki, Lili Di Puppo, Damián-Omar Martínez, Perry Sherouse, Alessandro Testa, Ana Gutiérrez, Maria Theresia Starzmann, Hannah Wadle and Vita Peacock.

(with M. Verschaeve) (2014) Tourism and Post-Socialist Heterotopias: Eastern Europe as an Imagined Rural Past. In: Tourism and the Power of Otherness. Seductions of Difference. Ed. by David Picard and Michael Di Giovine, pp. 74-94.

(2012) Von Fragmenten der Ortsintimität zu einem Konzept des performativen deutsch-polnischen Kulturerbes. Ethnographische Nahaufnahmen von Schloss Sztynort/Steinort. In: Paul Zalewski/ Joanna Drejer (ed.): Deutsch-Polnisches Kulturerbe und die Zivilgesellschaft im heutigen Polen, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, pp. 142-159.

Edited Book

(Ed., with B. Hoenig) (Forthcoming 2019). Eden für jeden? Touristische Sehnsuchtsorte in Mittel- und Osteuropa vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart. Göttingen: Vandehoeck & Ruprecht.

Ethnofiction Book

(Forthcoming) With Jerzy Tyszko. Przemiany w jeziornym królestwie Neptuna. Ilustrowany dziennik ekspedycji żeglarskiej po szlaku Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich. (Transformations in the Lake Kingdom of Neptune. Illustrated Diary of a Sailing Cruise on the Path of the Great Mazurian Lakes). Wydawnictwo Almapress (tbc.)

Academic Blog Entries

(2017) I swear I saw this (Michael Taussig, 2011): A review by Hannah Wadle. In: Centre for Imaginative Ethnography (ed. Dara Culhane/ Cristina Moretti), URL : http://imaginativeethnography.org/drawings/i-swear-i-saw-this-a-review-by-hannah-wadle/.

 (2016) In One Boat with Komandor Tyszko: Comics, Collaboration, Place-Making, and Knowledge Exchange on the Theme of Postsocialist Transformations of Polish Sailing Tourism. In: Imaginings project. Comics and Ethnography. Blog ed. by Stacey Leigh Piggs and Cristina Moretti, Centre for Imaginative Ethnography. URL: http://imaginativeethnography.org/imaginings/comics/

 (2012) Anthropology Goes Comics. In: Comics Forum, academic blog about research on comics. URL: http://comicsforum.org/2012/02/03/anthropology-goes-comics-by-hannah-wadle/

Policy Reports & Strategy Papers

(2018) Festival Project Report: Learning from Stn:ort 2018: Experiences, Insights, Goals. FairerTales/ Deutsch-Polnische Stiftung Kulturpflege Denkmalschutz. 49 Pages. URL: http://stnort.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Report_Stnort_2018_eng.pdf

(2018) “Experiences and Challenges of Aged 50+ Polish Expats in Greater Manchester. Doświadczenia i wyzwania dla Polskich rezydentów po 50-tym rokiem życiu w Greater Manchester.” Policy Research Report based on a collaborative qualitative research project. Ambition for Ageing/ Europia, Manchester. 133 pages.

(2016) Strengthening a Liminal Community. Anthropological Framework for Rethinking University Support Strategies for Early Career Researchers. AHRC-funded Ethnographic Project Report with Strategic Recommendations for the University of Manchester. 28 pages. URL: https://ecrmcr2016.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/strengthening_a_liminal_community_ecr_report_hannah_wadle.pdf

Experiences and Challenges of Aged 50+ Polish Expats in Manchester, Project funded by Ambition for Ageing and Europia Manchester, Project Lead with three Research Assistants (2018)

Witold Pilecki in Lida and Krupowo, Belarus, Project commissioned by author/journalist Jack Fairweather, Regional Research Coordinator and Relationship Manager (2016-2018)

Kronikarz naszych Marzeń – Pałac w Sztynorcie 1947-2017. Oral history and Newspaper Archive Research, TU Dresden, FairerTales, Individual Research Project (2016-2017)

Rethinking University Support Strategies for Early Career Researchers in the UK, AHRC funded project, Individual Research Project (2016)

Tourism, Transformation, and Identity in the Masurian Lake District, funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Schroubek-Fond östl. Europa, Deutsches Polen Institut Darmstadt, Doctoral Research (2010-2014)

The Renaissance of the German-Polish Border Region, Co-Funded by German-Polish Youth Association, German Project Coordinator (2009-2010) with Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Memberships to professional organisations

  • European Association of Social Anthropologists
  • International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies
  • Centre for Imaginative Ethnography


  • https://amu.academia.edu/HannahWadle
  • www.fairertales.org
  • www.stnort.org
  • www.sehnsuchtsorte.wordpress.org
  • www.ecrmcr2016.wordpress.org
  • www.iamnotmuchtallerthanashrimp.wordpress.org