prof. UAM dr hab. Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska
Assistant Professor, Section of Social Anthropology
Room: 2.34
Phone: 61 829 13 86
E-mail: alis@amu.edu.pl
Office hours:
Research Areas: Western Europe, Poland, Latin America.
Cantoni, R., Lis, A. and Stasik, A. (forthcoming in 2018). “Creating and debating energy citizenship: the case of Poland’s shale gas.” In: Szolucha, A. Energy Impacts, Routledge: Environment and Sustainability.
Lis, A. and Stasik, A. (forthcoming in 2018). “Unlikely allies across political scales: Żurawlów, Brussels and the global anti-fracking movement.” In: Whitton, J., Cotton, M.; Charnley-Parry, I. M., Brasier, K.: Governing Shale Gas Development, Citizen Participation and Decision Making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe, Routledge Studies in Energy Policy.
Lis, A. 2018. “Politics and Knowledge Production: Between Securitization and Riskification of the Shale Gas Issue in Poland and Germany”, in: Szulecki, Kacper. Energy Security in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Lis, A., Stasik, A. 2017. Hybrid forums, knowledge deficits and the multiple uncertainties of resource extraction: Negotiating the local governance of shale gas in Poland. Energy Research & Social Science, 28(2017), 29-36.
Bernaciak, M., and Lis, A. 2016. Weak Labour, Strong Interests: Polish Trade Unions and the Integration of EU Energy and Service Markets. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, doi: 10.1111/jcms.12506.
Lis, Aleksandra; Piotr Stankiewicz. 2016. Framing Shale Gas for Policy-Making in Poland. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning.
DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2016.1143355
Paul Upham, Aleksandra Lis, Hauke Riesch, Piotr Stankiewicz. 2015. Addressing social representations in socio-technical transitions with the case of shale gas, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, pp. 1-22; available on-line at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2015.01.004
Aleksandra Lis. 2014. Strategies of Interest Representation: Polish Trade Unions in EU Governance, Europe-Asia Studies, 66(3): 444-466.
Simons, Arno, Lis, Aleksandra, Lippert, Ingmar. 2014. The political duality of scale-making in environmental markets. Environmental Politics. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2014.893120 ;
Riesch, Hauke; Oltra, Christian; Lis, Aleksandra; Upham, Paul; Pol, Mariette. 2013. CCS and Remote Events: Sense-Making in Spanish and Polish Online Focus Groups. Energy Policy 56(May): 693-702.
Oltra, C., Upham, P., Riesch, H., Boso, A., Brunsting, S., Duetschke, E., Lis, A. 2012. Public Responses to CO2 Storage Sites: Lessons from Five European Cases. Energy and Environment 23(2&3).
Lis, Aleksandra. 2011. Negotiating the European Union Emission Trading Scheme: Re-Constructing a Calculative Space for Carbon, Polish Sociological Review 2(174).
Stankiewicz, Piotr; Lis, Aleksandra. 2012. Dla kogo elektrownia jądrowa? Wyniki badań opinii publicznej. [For whom is the nuclear power? Opinion survey results.] in: Kazimierz Jeleń, Zbigniew Rau (eds), Energetyka jądrowa w Polsce. [Nuclear power in Poland], LEX a Wolters Kluwer Business, Warsaw.
Lis, Aleksandra. 2008. Trade Unions Strength in EU-Wide Comparison, in: Kusznir, Julia; Pleines, Heiko (eds), Trade Unions from Post-Socialist Member States in EU Governance, ibidem-Verlag.
Braendle, C.; Lis, A., Fleischer, T., Evensen, D., Mastop, J. 2017. Prerequisites for a Social Licence to Operate in the (Shale) Gas Industries. M4ShaleGas, 2015-2017. http://www.m4shalegas.eu/downloads/M4ShaleGas%20-%20D17.2%20-%20Prerequisites%20for%20a%20social%20license%20to%20operate%20in%20the%20shale%20gas%20industries%20-%20Dec.%202016.pdf
Lis, A., Braendle, C. 2017. Report on the public perceptions of shale gas in various EU Member States, public attitudes and communication strategies developed around shale gas investments (update 2015-2017). M4ShaleGas, 2015-2017.
Lis, A., Desbarats, J. 2012. Carbon Capture and Storage in Poland: National Strategies and Local Controversies. Assessing Accession Working Paper, CRCEES, University of Glasgow.
Breukers, S., Pol, M., Upham, P., Lis, A., Desbarats, J., Roberts, T., Duetschke, E., Oltra, C., Brunsting, S., de Best-Waldhober, M., Reiner, D., Riesch, H. 2011. Engagement and Communication Strategies for CCS Projects: Gaps between Current and Desired Practices and Exemplary Strategies, ECN.
Reiner, D., Riesch, H., Chyong, Chi K., Brunsting, S., de Best-Waldhober, M., Duetschke, E., Oltra, C., Lis, A., Desbarats, J., Pol, M., Breukers, S., Upham, P., Mander, S. 2011. Opinion Shaping Factors towards CCS and Local CCS Projects: Public and Stakeholder Survey and Focus Groups, Cambridge Judge Business School.
Einbock, J., Lis, A. 2007. An Assessment of the Activities of Polish Trade Unions and Employers’ Organizations at the EU level, KICES Working Papers No. 11 – December 2007.
Heinrich, A., Pleines, H., Lis, A. 2007. Factors Influencing Corporate Governance in Postsocialist Companies: an Analytical Framework, William Davidson Institute Working Paper Number 896 – October 2007. 3
Heinrich, A., Pleines, H., Lis, A. 2005. Corporate Governance in the Oil and Gas Industry. Cases from Poland, Hungary, Russia and Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective, KICES Working Paper No. 3 – December 2005.
Energizing the world: STS and anthropology towards social studies of new energies (2018-2021), National Science Centre grant (Project Leader).
Subsurface Evaluation of CCS and Unconventional Risks (SECURe) (2018-2021), Horizon 2020 grant (Project Leader).
M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas (2015-2018), Horizon 2020 grant (Project Leader). Strona projektu
Shale gas as a new challenge for Europe: re-thinking the role of expertise in European integration processes (2014-2018), National Science Centre grant (Project Leader).
Towards a common European energy policy? Energy security debates in Poland and Germany (2014-2016), DPWS (Project Leader).