prof. dr hab. Waldemar Kuligowski
Associate Professor, Section of Cultural Anthropology
Room: 2.8
Phone: 61 829 13 66
E-mail: walkul@amu.edu.pl
Office hours:
Tuesday, 12:00-13:00
Co-edited monographs
- (with A. Pomieciński) Art in contemporary cultural systems: Central and Eastern Europe, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań 2014, pp. 196.
- (with R. Papp) Sterile and Isolated? An Anthropology Today in Hungary and Poland, Wydawnictwo TIPI, Poznań 2015, pp. 182.
- (with A. Stanisz), Cultures of Motorway. Localities through Mobility as an Anthropological Issue, Poznańskie Studia Etnologiczne, t. 19, Wielichowo: Wydawnictwo TIPI, 2016, pp. 200. [pdf]
Articles in journals
- Flows and spaces. Anthropological view on identities in a global world, “Ethnologia Polona”, 2007, vol. 27, 63-74.
- Nacionalizam običnih ljudi. Etnizacija tradicije na primeru sabora u Guči, „Antropologija. Časopis Instituta za etnologiju i antropologiju (IEA) Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Belgradu”, 2011, vol. 11, no 1, 67-84.
- Kela memb, stringy a Kate Middleton. Komentáre k transformáciám tradicie, “Kontexty kultúry a turizmu”, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, 2011, nr 1, 8-10.
- Etnologia Lenkijoje: institucinė ir mokslo raida nuo 1910 metų iki šiandenos, ““Lietuvos etnologija: socialines antropologijos ir etnologijos studijos/Lithuanian Ethnology: Studies in Social Anthropology and Ethnology”, 2011, vol 20, no 11, 109-122.
- A Relay of Youth of the 21st Century. A Re-enactment of Ritual or a Grotesque Performance?, “Cargo. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 2012, vol.10, no 1-2, 47- 60.
- Nationalism and Ethnicization of History in a Serbian Festival, „Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics”, 2014, vol. 109, no 1, 249-259.
- New meanings of tradition. Globalization, politics and questions for anthropology, „Český lid. Etnologický časopis”, 2014, rocnik 101, no 3, 321-334.
- Polish ethnology. From building national culture to critique of liberal society, „Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie”, 2015, no 10, 13-26.
- Festivalizing Tradition. A Fieldworker’s Notes from the Guča Trumpet Festival (Serbia) and the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), “Lietuvos etnologija: socialines antropologijos ir etnologijos studijos/Lithuanian Ethnology: Studies in Social Anthropology and Ethnology”, 2016, vol. 16, no 25, 2016), 35-54.
- Polish anthropologist against discrimination, “Anthropology Today”, 2017, vol. 33, no 2, 25.
- Collective vertigo. Roger Cailliois “theorie de la fete” toward contemporary music festivals in Poland and Hungary, “Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. An International Journal of Ethnography”, 2017, vol. 62, no 2, 35-52.
Articles in monographs
- (with W. J. Burszta) Touch, Listen, Experience in: Music-Erotica-Culture, M. Jabłoński, R. J. Wieczorek (eds.), “Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology”, vol. 6, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań, 2007, 175-185.
- Memotainmnent: The Representations of the Shoah in Popular Culture, in: History, Historiography, and History Teaching. Proceedings from the International Conference “History, Historiography and History Teaching”, held from 21-23 November 2007 in Skopje, B. Ristovska-Josifovska (ed.), Skopje, 2008, 429-436.
- Global Capitalism vs. Local Traditions. Dose the Economy Downfall Means the Triumph of Culture?, in: Challenges for Humanity in the 21st Century, A. Dudek (ed.), Institute of Regional and Global Studies, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 2008, 25-36.
- Multiculturalismus versus New Homogeneity: The Cases of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in: Etnické Komunity. Vyjednáváni pozice v majoritě, D. Bittnerová, M. Moravcová, Fakulta Humanitnich Studii Univerzity Karlovy w Praze, 2012, 21-36.
- 33 meters of sacrum. The analysis of discourses surrounding the statue of Christ the King of Universe in Świebodzin, in: Art in contemporary cultural systems: Central and Eastern Europe, W. Kuligowski, A. Pomieciński (eds.), Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań 2014, 137-148.
- The Invention ‘We’ and ‘Them’ in National Anthems. Images from Central Europe, in: Contemporary Approaches to the Self and the Other, V. Savoniakaité (ed.), Lietuvos Istorijos Institutas, Vilnius 2014, 123-138.
- Politics and Folk Culture: On the Manipulation of Tradition and Folklore, in: W. Kuligowski, R. Papp (eds.) Sterile and isolated? An anthropology today in Hungary and Poland, Wydawnictwo TIPI, Poznań 2015, 89-100.
- (with A. Stanisz), On the Road: Polish Modernization from the Perspective of the Anthropology of the Motorway, w: Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe, H. Ćervinkova, Z. Uherek, M. Buchowski, Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2015, 175-193.
- The motorway as a “place” of culture: pop culture, history and anthropology, in: Cultures of motorway. Localities through mobility as an anthropological issue, W. Kuligowski, A. Stanisz (eds.), Wielichowo TIPI, 2016, 17-31.
- Habitual Hatred. Inscriptions on Walls and the Crisis of Society, in: Presence/Absence/Traces, E. Chomicka, A. Pindera (eds.), Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warszawa 2016, 140-149.
- Luke Eric Lassiter, The Chicago Guide to Collaborative Ethnography, [in:] „Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics”, 2007, vol. 102, no 2, 636-637.
- Samuel Gerald Collins, All Tomorrow’s Cultures. Anthropological Engagements with the Future, New York 2008 [in:] „Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics”, 2010, vol. 105, no 2, s623.
- Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism, [in:] Sötét alteregó. Van-e lengyelországnak nagyhatalmi öröksége?, “BUKSZ. Budapesti Könyvszemle”, vol 22, no 3, Autumn 2010, 289-291.
- Culture Wars. Context, Models and Anthropologists’ Account, Deborah James, Evie Plaice, Christina Toren (eds.), Berghahn Book, London&New York, [in:] „Anthropos. International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics”, 2011, vol. 105, no 2, 681-682.
- Rafał Pankowski, The Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots, Routledge, London 2010, [in:] Karnawał polskiej prawicy, “Czas Kultury”, 2012, nr 6, 139-142.
- Juraj Podoba, Vývoj stavitel’stva a spôsobu bývania v dedinskom prostredi v 20. storoči, Etnograficke monografie, zv. 1, Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia sociálnych antropológov 2011, [in:] „Lud”, t. XCVII, 342-345.
- „Lituanus. The Lithuanian Quarterly” vol. 60, no 4, [in:] „Lud”, t. XCVIX, 393-394.
- Maciej Górny, Wielka Wojna profesorów. Nauki o człowieku (1912-1923), Instytut Historii PAN, Warszawa, 2014, PDF [in English]: https://www.pol-int.org/pl/publikacje/wielka-wojna-profesorow-nauki-o-czlowieku-1912-1923#r4416
- Jaroslav Malina, Anti-encyklopedie anti-antropologie. A-Ž, Akademické nakladatelstvi CERM, Brno 2013, [in:] „Lud”, t. C, s. 330-331.
Music, values, culture. Jarocin re-study (2015), Ministry of Science and Higher Scholarship, (principal investigator)
Moving modernizations. The Influence of the A2 Motorway on the Local Cultural Landscape (2014-2017), National Sciences Center (principal investigator)
Adam Mickiewicz University as a participating university – progressing model cooperation between university and its socio-economic surroundings (2016-2018), Ministry of Science and Higher Scholarship (investigator)
Pulteram – living tradition in Wielkopolska (2017), Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (investigator)
Socio-spatial transformations in German-Polish “interstices”. Practices of debordering and rebordering (2016-2018), National Sciences Center (expert)